Friday 14 August 2015

Nicole Kidman Timeline

1967  was born
1989  followed by bigger films like Dead Calm
1991 Billy Bathgate
1991-2001 married to Tom Cruise
2002 Academy Award
2006 Married Keith Urban
2012 Latest film The Paperboy
1971 Move to Sydney with her Parents
1983 Bush Christmas
1991 The film flirting
1989 Dead Calm
1991 success followed with Billy Bathgate
1995 To Die For
1998 Practical Magic
1999 Eyes Wide Shut
2001 Cruise Divorced
2002 The Hours
2003 Civil War Epic Cold Mountain
2004 Dogville
2004 Stepford Wives
2005 Matthew Broderick and Bette Midler and Bewitched
2006 Happy Feet
2006 Fur
2008 First child Sunday Rose Kidman Urban
2008 starred Epic drama Australia
2009 Appeared Movie Musical Nine
2010 Independent drama Rabbit Hole
2010 welcomed second daughter Faith Margaret
2012 Raised Eyebrows for her unusual scene In The Paperboy
2012 Hemingway and Gellhorn
2014 Grace of Monaco
2014 Mystery and Drama Before I GO Sleep and The children's flick about the beloved children's toy  and Paddington
2015 Australian Film Strangerland
2015 The title role of real-life adventurer/journalist/cartographer/British spy Gertrude Bell alongside   James Franco and Robert Pattinson in Werner Herzog's Queen of the Desert.


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